When can my child start?
Northfleet Nursery School classes cater for children aged three or four years old. Children will be admitted after their third birthday, normally at the beginning of a new term.
If there are any nursery place vacancies we can accommodate Free for 2 children (FF2) who are eligible. You can apply for Free for 2 funding by following this link. Eligible children can start a FF2 place at any point during the term, in accordance with the eligibility confirmed start date. Parents are able to contact Kent CFIS (Children and Family Information Service) for alternative provision if the pattern of delivery does not meet the child's needs.
Please speak to the Admissions Manager if you require assistance in applying for FF2 funding or for further information.
How many places are available?
This is a nursery offering 5 morning sessions and 5 afternoon sessions term time only for the Universal Element of 15 hours nursery funding. Children have to attend for either 5 morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions. These sessions take place over 5 days. Sessions cannot be mixed.
We do offer the Extended Entitlement of an additional 15 hours (30 hours in total). These sessions take place over 5 days. Please refer to our 30 Hours Provision page or speak to the Admissions Manager.
All of our sessions whether universal or extended are Monday to Friday, term time only
How will places be allocated?
Children will be accepted in order of priority set by the Governors and staff of Northfleet Nursery School.
1. Looked after children (LAC)
2. Children referred by outside agencies with Special Educational Needs
3. Siblings currently or previously attending Northfleet Nursery
4. Date of Birth – but taking into account the length of time the child has been on the waiting list.
5. Distance measured in a straight line (as Primary admissions)
6. Siblings of children currently attending catchment schools around the Nursery
If the nursery is full, except in cases of need, children should have had their names on the waiting list for at least one term before entry can be considered. Entry will be as close as possible to the term following the third birthday and will be in order of age – within the criteria listed above.
Why wouldn’t my child get a place?
Where there are more requests for places than there are spaces available and where other children had a stronger claim to a place than your child (using the criteria listed above), places will have been offered by the nursery according to these criteria. There is no statutory right of appeal for a nursery place.
Entitlement to a Free Early Education place does not offer a guarantee of a place at any one provider or a particular pattern of delivery.
Do the sessions provided in these classes count as the funded nursery education to which my three and four year old is entitled?
Yes. All three and four year olds in Kent will be entitled to the Universal 15hrs Free Early Education. The sessions three and four year old pupils receive in KCC nursery classes count against this entitlement. If your child receives more than five sessions per week through a mixture of KCC nursery class and other pre-school provision, the sessions provided at the nursery class count first against your free entitlement. For example, if your child attends a KCC nursery class for five morning sessions and a pre-school for five afternoon sessions, your free entitlement will be taken as the five sessions provided at the nursery class: you will therefore have to pay for the pre-school sessions.
Does a place at the nursery class guarantee my child admission to a primary school?
No. It should be noted that admission to the nursery class does not guarantee admission to any primary schools. You will need to apply for a place at primary schools in the same way as all other parents. We do not "feed" into any primary schools directly.
How do I apply for a place in the nursery school?
Complete the application form within this site and submit it to the nursery school, you can also pick up an application form from the nursery itself. The nursery will contact you to inform you when your child can be offered a place.
Is there a school uniform?
If you are viewing on mobile please use this link: Uniform List For New Parents