Northfleet Nursery School

Northfleet nursery school

Tel: 01474 533950
“Learn to play then play to learn”


Summary of the Inspection Report:

Ofsted July 2022 - Outstanding

In July 2022 the Nursery was inspected and was graded as an outstanding school. To read the report click here. Following our Ofsted inspection, please click here to read the congratulation letter from Kent County Council.

Ofsted January 2017 - Outstanding

In January 2017 the Nursery was inspected and was graded as an outstanding school by Margaret Coussins. To read the report click here. Following our  Ofsted inspection, please click here to read the congratulation letter from Kent County Council.

Ofsted September 2013 - Outstanding

In September 2013 the Nursery was inspected and was graded as an outstanding school by Kath Beck. To read the report click here.

Ofsted October 2010 - Outstanding

In October 2010 the Nursery was inspected and was graded as an outstanding school by Jacqueline Marshall. To read the report click here.

Ofsted May 2008 - Outstanding

In May 2008 the Nursery school was inspected and was graded as an outstanding school by Patricia Davies. To read the report click here.

Summary of Findings:

Highly skilled and well-qualified leaders, managers and staff are uncompromising in their drive to pursue excellence in all of the school’s activities. They have been extremely successful in raising children’s achievements and personal development to a high level for their age.

Regardless of their ability, background or if they speak English as an additional language, children make excellent progress, especially in their ability to communicate with adults and one another.